Sunday, September 12, 2010

Plot ideas from my e-mail box

I imagine that you have all gotten these e-mails with titles like "Strange but True." I just got one of these mails this past week and found a few of these cultural tidbits too priceless to send into the trash folder.

Example 1: It's all in a days work...

Example 2: Two dimensional guardian...

and you might want to avoid Shaw Dr. for the time being.

Finally: Uncle Rico is at it again...


  1. I love that Arnold one. :) I actually used that in a game. The PCs' house was under surveillance via a camera hidden behind a Conan stand up.

  2. Time travel. Excellent! To bad I live in Washington or I'd apply.

  3. Something about the want ad tells me that fellow has been himself grandpa for some time now.
